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April 15, 2024

From Teacher to Bestselling Author, Matt Eicheldinger is telling stories kids want to read

From Teacher to Bestselling Author, Matt Eicheldinger is telling stories kids want to read

Welcome back! Today we follow the odyssey of Matt Eicheldinger, from a soccer-playing, comic-reading child to a USA Today and New York Times bestselling author.

A Portrait of Perseverance

Matt's journey wasn't crafted overnight. Spending his childhood far from the writer's desk, engaged in the simple pleasures of sports and comics, he unwittingly sowed the seeds for his literary future. Transitioning from those carefree days to the head of a classroom, Matt found his unique voice in storytelling, turning every embarrassing stumble and childhood misadventure into relatable tales that resonated deeply with his students. His debut, "Matt Sprouts and the Curse of the Ten Broken Toes," was born from this connection, carving a path from self-publishing to bestseller lists.

Tackling the Giants: Bestseller Lists and Beyond

The spotlight shines on Matt as he shares the electrifying moments leading to his bestseller success. The episode unfolds the riveting weeks that saw his book soar through the prestigious ranks of USA Today and Publisher Weekly, culminating in the surreal triumph of joining the New York Times bestsellers. This authentic exchange lays bare the overwhelming nature of rapid success and the imposter syndrome that often shadows it.

The Writer's Crucible: Self-Publishing Trials and Triumphs

Self-publishing is a venture of extremes, riddled with challenges and opportunities. Matt's transparent recount of the uphill battle to get his book noticed, the hundreds of rejections, and the sheer grit needed to keep pushing forward offers an invaluable roadmap for writers navigating the self-publishing domain. His Kickstarter-funded breakthrough and the hard-earned accolades, like Indie Book of the Year, shine as beacons for aspiring authors.

Mastering the Social Media Labyrinth

Matt Eicheldinger's social media narrative is a masterclass in cultivating an authentic online presence. This episode doesn't just dissect the role of social media in building a writer's platform; it hands listeners the keys to a kingdom where authenticity trumps relentless self-promotion. From viral whirlpool videos to storytelling reels that capture the imagination, Matt illustrates the importance of genuine, repeatable content over chasing viral fame.

A Teacher at Heart, A Storyteller in his Soul

Finally, our guest reflects on the profound lessons imparted from his dual life as a teacher and storyteller. He advocates for the educational power of resilience and the significance of embracing feedback for artistic growth, encouraging writers to find joy in the process of creation and the patience for recognition.

As we close this episode, we extend a heartfelt thanks to Matt Eicheldinger for sharing his incredible journey. Remember to check out his captivating work, and don't forget to visit our website ( to support and share the show.

Stay tuned for our next deep dive craft episode on April 22nd, Earth Day. Until then, keep writing, keep dreaming, and keep sharing your stories with the world.

Remember: Every "no" is a step closer to that thrilling "yes." Keep writing, keep striving, and, just like Matt, you may find your work "Bigger Than Britney."

Find Matt here: