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Feb. 11, 2024

Navigating the Picture Book Publishing Maze: Tips, Resources, and Encouragement

Navigating the Picture Book Publishing Maze: Tips, Resources, and Encouragement

Everyone wants to write a picture book!!

In the latest episode of Writers with Wrinkles, co-hosts Beth McMullen and Lisa Schmid dive into the world of picture book publishing, sharing their personal experiences and a treasure trove of resources for aspiring authors. 

- Cat's Rule Update: Beth and Lisa share their current status in the picture book submission process, describing it as a challenging journey filled with hope, rejection, and perseverance. Their picture book, featuring a cat and dog duo learning about friendship, is currently navigating the unagented submission route.

- The Submission Process: They discuss the frustration surrounding the publishing industry's response—or lack thereof—to submissions. Highlighting a common grievance, they wish for a more communicative approach from publishers, suggesting that even a simple rejection would be preferable to silence.

- Resource Spotlight: Entangled Publishing's Little Lark: A positive submission experience is shared with Little Lark, an imprint of Entangled Publishing, which provides a submission portal allowing authors to track their manuscript's status—a model of transparency they admire.

- Building a Community: Beth and Lisa emphasize the importance of joining writer communities such as SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) for support, networking, and resources. They share how their own involvement in SCBWI played a crucial role in their writing careers.

- Craft Development: The co-hosts list several resources for honing the craft of writing picture books, including virtual workshops and classes offered by organizations like the Highlights Foundation and the Writing Barn.

- The Value of Feedback: They discuss the crucial role of feedback in the writing process, encouraging listeners to share their work for critique to grow as writers.

- Contests and Pitch Parties: Lisa highlights various contests and Twitter pitch parties as opportunities for authors to gain visibility, receive feedback, and possibly attract the attention of agents and publishers.

- Querying Resources: The episode provides a guide to querying, featuring tools and websites to help find the right agents, along with advice on crafting effective queries.

Beth and Lisa's journey through the picture book publishing process is both enlightening and inspiring. Their shared experiences and the wealth of resources provided in this episode offer a roadmap for other writers navigating similar paths. With a blend of personal anecdotes, practical advice, and supportive community shoutouts, Writers with Wrinkles continues to be an invaluable companion for writers at all stages of their careers.

Remember to visit the Writers with Wrinkles website to support the show and explore additional content. Whether you're drafting your first picture book or querying your latest manuscript, Beth and Lisa's insights and resources can light the way forward.