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March 11, 2024

Perfecting Pacing: The Key to Keeping Readers Riveted

Perfecting Pacing: The Key to Keeping Readers Riveted

In the  world of novel writing, pacing is not just about the speed of your story, but the rhythm with which you tell it. It's what keeps your readers turning pages well past their bedtime. In the latest episode of Writers With Wrinkles hosts Beth McMullen and Lisa Schmid deep-dive into this slippery subject, with actionable tips to help you nail your novel's pacing. Here's  what they shared:

Know Your Genre's Pace
Understanding pacing begins with genre. A thriller races while literary fiction may meander, allowing for depth. Your job is to map out your story's beats—those plot points like the climax and resolution—to keep your novel from dragging.

Pacing is Personal
Revisiting your own work can shed light on pacing problems. If your writing makes you yawn, it’s a cue to cut the fluff and ramp up the tension.

Scene Construction is Crucial
Vary sentence length and structure to control the pace. Short, punchy sentences can escalate tension, while longer, descriptive ones allow the reader to catch their breath.

White Space is Your Friend
Long paragraphs can intimidate readers. Breaking text into manageable chunks creates white space, which can make a dense page more inviting and maintain pacing.

Formatting with Finesse
Formatting choices, such as italics and footnotes, can be engaging but also distracting if overused. They can interrupt the pacing and take readers out of the moment.

Serial Considerations
If you're crafting a series, remember that whatever you introduce must be sustained through subsequent books. This forethought ensures consistent pacing across your series.

Information Flow Control
Withhold key details to create suspense. Strategic reveals can propel your story forward and keep your readers hooked.

Cliffhangers: A Chapter's Best Friend
Ending chapters with a cliffhanger keeps the story's momentum and encourages readers to read "just one more."

Dialogue: The Double-Edged Sword
Dialogue should feel authentic and purposeful. It can quicken the pace when short and snappy or slow it down for moments of character development.

The Iterative Art of Pacing
Pacing perfection often comes in the revision stage. Don't be discouraged by initial pacing issues—tweaking is part of the process.

 Learning from Other Media
Books and movies are fantastic pacing teachers. Analyzing the structure of well-paced works can provide a blueprint for your own storytelling rhythm.

Comparative Analysis for Pacing
Measuring your manuscript against well-paced books in your genre can reassure you that you’re on the right track and provide inspiration for pacing adjustments.

Keep in mind that pacing is an art, and like any craft, it requires practice, attention to detail, and sometimes, a little bit of magic that comes when an idea strikes—hopefully not in the middle of the street!

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And don't miss next week's episode where we get the editor's perspective with Sarah Schoenfeld from Harper's Children and Harper's Teen. See you there!