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April 22, 2024

Respect Your Secondary Characters! Here’s why and how.

Respect Your Secondary Characters! Here’s why and how.

Welcome to the heart of narrative depth – the world of secondary characters. Our latest episode is dedicated to these vital players in the storytelling arena. Here, we explore why and how secondary characters are indispensable to the stories we cherish.

 The Vital Role of Secondary Characters

When crafting a narrative, secondary characters are more than mere supporting pillars to the protagonist; they’re the undercurrents that add nuance and color to the world you’ve created. We illustrate this by emphasizing that secondary characters provide subplots and challenges, essential for the protagonist’s journey and for offering readers a rich experience.

 Enriching the Main Plot

It’s about world-building. A universe isn’t populated by a single person – it thrives with the presence of others. Lisa brings to life her character, Teddy, a ghost from her book Ollie Oxley and The Ghost, to showcase how a secondary character can steal readers' hearts and even inspire requests for a story of their own.

 Crafting Effective Secondary Characters

We share a laugh about falling in love with secondary characters, often more so than the main ones. But it’s no laughing matter when considering the careful calibration needed to ensure these characters contribute meaningfully to the narrative. We encourage writers to think of secondary characters as mirrors or contrasts to the protagonist, helping to highlight strengths, weaknesses, and facilitate growth.

 Evolving Beyond the Plot Device

Secondary characters must evolve. They might provide comic relief or background information at first, but as the story progresses, their roles can deepen, affecting the protagonist and the plot significantly.

 The Balance of Character Presence

“Kill your darlings,” advises Beth, stressing the importance of eliminating characters that do not serve the story’s progression. Lisa echoes this sentiment, recounting how cutting unnecessary characters can streamline the narrative and enhance clarity and impact.

 Distinctiveness Is Key

We  suggest imbuing secondary characters with distinctive traits, quirks, or dialogue. These features should make them stand out but also serve the plot in meaningful ways. For instance, a character’s habit might be pivotal to the advancement of the story.

 The Narrative Tapestry

Each secondary character can represent different aspects of the theme or embody symbolic elements. In Lisa’s book Hart and Souls, three ghosts personify the main character's struggles with anxiety, symbolizing his journey towards overcoming his fears.

 A Love Letter to Secondary Characters

As the episode wraps up, the sentiment is clear: secondary characters are beloved. They're more than a device; they're integral to the storytelling experience, bringing depth, humor, and humanity to the tale.

 The Takeaway for Aspiring Writers

The message is clear: embrace the complexity and the joy of secondary characters. They’re the beating heart of your story’s world, providing texture, conflict, and resonance that make your narrative alive.

So, respect your secondary characters. Treat them with the same care and complexity as your heroes. They may not hold the spotlight, but they illuminate the world from where they stand, making every story they grace richer and more compelling.